Hackers: Sony Easy to Hack: Sony Hackers Brag It Was Easy to Compromise Info From 1 Million Consumers: Hackers Brag claim to have gotten into the files of Sony Pictures Entertainment and stolen information on more than 1 million consumers. They claim they defaced the website of the PBS NewsHour as a protest against a "Frontline" documentary on WikiLeaks. And they say they're not done yet.
"We accessed EVERYTHING," said the group on a website it advertised on Twitter. It claimed it compromised "passwords, email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth and all Sony opt-in data associated with their accounts. Among other things, we also compromised all admin details of Sony Pictures (including passwords) along with 75,000 'music codes' and 3.5 million 'music coupons.'"
"Why do you put such faith in a company that allows itself to become open to these simple attacks?" said the message on the site.Sony issued a statement on Friday evening: "We have confirmed that a breach has occurred and have taken action to protect against further intrusion," it said. "We also retained a respected team of experts to conduct the forensic analysis of the attack, which is ongoing.
"The damage to the company was tremendous. Not only did it have to spend some $170 million on technical fixes and insurance against identity theft, it was sharply questioned by members of Congress about how slow it had been to reveal the magnitude of the breach. It also lost credibility with customers, and has started an expensive "Welcome Back" campaign to win back their loyalty. It is letting them download games for free and use premium services.
By ABC News
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