“Not only do I love my freedom of not having a title and being a declared candidate that is liberating I know you can make a difference as an individual,” she said on Sean Hannity's Fox News show Friday night. “Hopefully, I can inspire others to know that you don’t need a title. You don’t need to be in office to effect positive change.”
“It has been great being with my family on the trail, so the fire in the belly, it rages on after this week and continuing through the summer,” Palin said.
She suggested that the Republican establishment has reason to fear the tea party.
“If they’re not careful in the GOP, there will be a third party rise-up," she said. "That is what the GOP should be fearing today.”
She suggested that the Republican establishment has reason to fear the tea party.
“If they’re not careful in the GOP, there will be a third party rise-up," she said. "That is what the GOP should be fearing today.”
“Isn’t that funny what reporters try to do?," Palin told Hannity. "It’s not a slow news day when Mitt Romney declares his candidacy. I’m surprised they would take one comment that I made and act like it was a slow news day and try to make it into something bigger than it was.”
By ABC News
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