Thursday, June 30, 2011

Facebook Anti-Singapore

Facebook Anti-Singapore: Facebook Page called, "Anti-Singapore".Well, let's just say this ridiculous clown in New York City (featured in STOMP article below) somewhat intrigues me & makes me wonder what else the world is against Singapore.

One of the STOMPers who have written in to STOMP to express their displeasure over the man's actions is JJLim. He said he saw the man while on holiday in New York City.

He said:m"My wife and I were on holiday in New York when we saw this strange guy near Times Square, New York.

"Holding a self-written cardboard, he displayed unfounded accusations at our Prime Minister and our nation. "When we claimed that his accusations were false, he brushed us away and walked off.

"Coming back to Singapore, we still could not understand why would someone thousand miles away accuse Singapore like that. Another STOMPer, Edwin, said the man had apparently lost his job in Singapore.
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