Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Xu Huafeng 徐华凤

Xu Huafeng 徐华凤: Taiwan star Xu Huafeng cancer death for many years failed. Taiwanese artist Xu Huafeng for the tragic death of stomach cancer at the age of 41 years. During his lifetime, Xu Huafeng informed after their cancer is still optimistic about the face of life, and actively involved in cancer of the public welfare. It is understood that beauty born Xu Huafeng be born a pretty face, to be friends as a "sex goddess" in the title. Xu Huafeng's sudden death, all the users have to express their condolences.

(台湾艺人徐华凤因胃癌不幸去世,享年41岁。生前,徐华凤获知自己患癌后,依然乐观面对人生,并积极地投入到抗癌的公益事业中。据了解,选美出身的徐华凤生得一副漂亮脸蛋,被网友冠以“性感女神”的称号。徐华凤的突然离世,众网友纷纷表示哀悼 )

Xu Huafeng, 1970 was born on November 25, native of Taiwan, Wu County, Jiangsu Province in 1989 was "Squeak Miss China" election runner-up. Worked with the director XU Zhong-hua, Deric Wan, who get married, but until know when Taiwan shoe magnate Tang Wei really settled down. It is reported that when Xu Huafeng also carry a "third party" charges, but she did not do angry, but out of love entertainment. Within five years, when only the fruition with Tang Wei entered the marriage hall.
Tags:徐华凤, 我的灿烂人生, 张筱兰, 胡杏儿, 徐華鳯, 方宏进 , Xu Huafeng, my brilliant life, Zhang Xiaolan, Myolie Wu, Xu Hua Fung, Fang Hongjin
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