Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Climate Change Effects

Climate Change Effects: In our daily lives, we often take things for granted. If we think about this topic deep enough, you could relate and think how global warming actually creates climate change effects. If the weather is getting seeming hotter and hotter. In certain parts of the world, the average temperature rise is around 4 degrees Fahrenheit. In the US, most of the states are showing some signs of warming. In 2006, the once a year average temperature was fifty five degrees Fahrenheit.

Climate Change Effects due to global temperature increases often resulted in drought in some parts of earth. Earth is becoming drier in recent decades due to global temperature increases. This is due to the heat that’s building up round the earth’s surface. Evaporation intensifies drought more in the spring and fall. Planetary warming has upped the level of drought. A major drought in the USA lasted from 1999-2002. There were only 2 other droughts in the last 40 years that were so far-ranging and disastrous.

Crops suffered damage or wouldn’t grow at all, so shortening the food supply. there were more frequent droughts in the West recently. The last thirty years particularly have seen many droughts. These droughts have spawned wildfires that set new records in 2006 for number of fires and of acres burned. Further evidence of global temperature rises is seen in these damaging wildfires.
Tags: cause of climate change, climate change and its effect on agriculture, climate change and its effects on animals, climate change caused by humans, climate change causes, climate change effects, climate change effects animals, climate change effects global warming, climate change effects on agriculture, climate change effects on animals, climate change effects on humans, effects of climate change in agriculture, effects of climate change on agriculture, effects of climate change on animals, effects of climate change on human health, effects of climate change on humans, effects of global climate change, effects of global warming and climate, effects of global warming on climate change, effects of the greenhouse effect, global climate change causes, global climate change effects, global warming climate change effects, global warming effects climate change, greenhouse effect causes and effects, greenhouse effect effects, how climate change effects animals, the effects of climate change, the effects of climate change on agriculture, the effects of the greenhouse effect, what are the effects of the greenhouse effect, what causes climate change
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