Tuesday, August 30, 2011

110830 Strong Heart

110830 Strong Heart: Watch 110830 Strong Heart Preview 2, 110830 Strong Heart Super Junior Part 2 Preview: Whenever see super junior about to cry that’s when tears are forming in my eyes and when they speck that’s when they fall. 

My only wish is that super junior will last forever and at least perform together as 13 plus 2.

110830 Strong Heart  Hyuk crying and Kyu hugging Leeteuk Cap
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Mankatha Movie Online

Mankatha Movie Online: Watch Mankatha Movie Online Free, Mankatha Movie Review: Tamil Movie 'Mankatha' Watch Online: The Tamil movie 'Mankatha' directed by Venkat Prabhu and produced by Dayanidhi Alagiri and  Vivek Rathnave will be released in India and across the world on August 31, 2011

The movie stars Ajith Kumar, Trisha and Arjun Sarja in the lead roles  Music  is directed by Yuvan Shankar Raja.he story of the movie is about a Mafia gambling gang who are active during the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket season. Ajith Plays a negative role named Vinayak Mahadevan and Arjun plays the role of C.I.D Officer.
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Lives Of Omission 21

Lives Of Omission 21:  Watch Lives Of Omission Episode 21 Online: Lives Of Omission Episode 21 is out for watch: Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 01 August 2011
Director: Chong Wai Kin
Cast: Michael Tse, Bosco Wong, Damian Lau, Fala Chen, Kate Tsui, Mandy Wong, Jin Au Yeung, Daniel Chau, Ronald Law, Bella Lam
Genre: TV Series, Action, Crime
Lives of Omission 潛行狙擊: Lives of Omission Episode 21 潛行狙擊 第20集
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Monday, August 29, 2011

Sacrovertebral Fracture

Sacrovertebral Fracture: A sacral fracture is a break in your sacrum. The sacrum is a triangle-shaped (three sided) bone made up of five fused (joined) vertebrae. Sacral fractures related to acute trauma or repetitive stress are difficult to diagnose and treat. SNSD’s Sooyoung was involved in a car accident Sunday morning, fracturing her sacral vertebra (sacrum) and a crack on her coccyx (tailbone), which will temporarily suspend all of her activities.
Update: At about 11.30 pm KST on August 29th, Sooyoung’s elder sister Soojin (@sujincda) tweeted about her sister’s conditions after the accident. The following is the translated tweet:

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Sooyoung Car Accident

Sooyoung Accident: Sooyoung Injured in Car Accident Suspends All Activities: Sooyoung gets injured in a car accident, forced to withdraw from schedules: SNSD’s Sooyoung was involved in a car accident Sunday morning, fracturing her sacral vertebra (sacrum) and a crack on her coccyx (tailbone), which will temporarily suspend all of her activities.
SM added, “Sooyoung was on her way to complete her volunteer services for the visually impaired when the accident occurred. The car in the opposite lane crossed the center line and consequently crashed into Sooyoung’s vehicle.” Sooyoung is currently receiving treatment at a hospital and is recuperating from the accident.

Update: At about 11.30 pm KST on August 29th, Sooyoung’s elder sister Soojin (@sujincda) tweeted about her sister’s conditions after the accident. The following is the translated tweet:

“Thanks to all who were worried for Sooyoung. There is no change in our cheerful princess Sooyoung and she looks fine. Don’t know what is so fun about being in the ambulance and going to the hospital but she keeps on laughing. Please continue to pray for her.“
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Free Hari Raya Card

Free Hari Raya Cards 2011: Get Free Hari Raya Card Greetings: We have a few days more to go to celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive after 30 days of fasting for Muslims. It is a form of the tradition in Malaysia to send to relatives and friend of Hari Raya greeting card each Hari Raya. Send Hari Raya or not only, as to the festive conclusion welcome but also ask for forgiveness. The giving and receiving are synonymous with the meaning of Hari Raya where the joy of ‘ Eid Mubarak ‘ celebrate and share the happiness together.
Free Hari Raya Cards 2011: Get Free Hari Raya Card Greetings:
Along with Hari Raya prepares celebration with Hari Raya has electronic map to your love one Webserver.com.my sent. We have some cool designs e-Card, which is free. It’s so easy to use. You have to do is:

(1 select e-card design) Hari Raya through the following link:
(2) write your message and the wishes of Hari Raya
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(Edition 4).

Webserver.com.my family wishes you a happy Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan batin. I wish that explosion Hari Raya and success. Not to mention, like Malaysia independence day. Malaysia being proud! Salam 1Malaysia.
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Comex 2011

Comex 2011: Comex 2011 Price List: COMEX 2011 is one of Singapore’s biggest IT and consumers electronics exhibition. brings something new and latest in the field of information technology.

COMEX 2011 - Singapore's BIGGEST IT & Consumer Technology Exhibition.
Every year, COMEX 2011 is held from September 01 to 04. COMEX 2011 will be held at SUNTEC City from September 01 to 04. Doors will be open at 12 noon and close at 9.00pm.

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There are lot of people who are eagerly waiting of this show COMEX 2011 that they can find something new and latest in the field of information and technology.
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Yoshihiko Noda

Yoshihiko Noda: Yoshihiko Noda Wins Vote To Become Japan’s Next PM: Japan’s Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda is set to become prime minister after winning a party vote Monday, taking on responsibility for rebuilding after the quake, tsunami and nuclear disasters.

54-years old Yoshihiko Noda secured victory in a run-off against Trade Minister Banri Kaieda, after a first-round vote in which no candidate won a clear majority. He defeated Trade Minister Banri Kaieda in a run-off vote.

According to the Japan Today, Yoshihiko Noda will have to broaden his scope to deal with the continuing reconstruction from the March 11 quake and tsunami along the northeastern coast and the 100,000 people who remain dislocated because of radiation leaking from a tsunami-damaged nuclear plant.

Yoshihiko Noda was declared the winner after defeating his nearest rival, the trade minister, Banri Kaieda, by 215 votes to 177 in a runoff held after none of the original five candidates won more than 50% of votes in the first round. Yoshihiko Noda, 54, must cope with a resurgent yen that threatens exports, forge a new energy policy while ending the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.
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Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Wishes: Raya 2011: Hari Raya Eid al-Fitr Celebrations: Eid al-Fitr, often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Around the world, there are many names to refer to this day, which is one of the most important festival for Muslims.

In Malay-speaking countries of Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Eid is often called (affectionately) as Hari Raya (literally means “Big Day” or “Celebration Day”), Lebaran, Idul Fitri, or Aidil Fitri.The Istana grounds will be open to the public from 8.30am to 6pm on Tuesday to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa.
Hari Raya 2011, Hari Raya Wishes, Free Hari Raya greetings
The bands from Zhonghua Secondary School and Poi Ching School will be performing at the Open House.There will also be a Malay dance performance by the People's Association, as well as an exhibit of Falabella miniature horses by the Singapore Zoo.
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Hari Raya Puasa

Hari Raya Puasa: Hari Raya Puasa 2011: Hari Raya Eid 2011: Hari Raya Eid al-Fitr Celebrations: Eid al-Fitr, often abbreviated to Eid, is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Around the world, there are many names to refer to this day, which is one of the most important festival for Muslims.

In Malay-speaking countries of Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Eid is often called (affectionately) as Hari Raya (literally means “Big Day” or “Celebration Day”), Lebaran, Idul Fitri, or Aidil Fitri.The Istana grounds will be open to the public from 8.30am to 6pm on Tuesday to celebrate Hari Raya Puasa.

The bands from Zhonghua Secondary School and Poi Ching School will be performing at the Open House.There will also be a Malay dance performance by the People's Association, as well as an exhibit of Falabella miniature horses by the Singapore Zoo.

Visitors can also get their face painted by makeup artists from Cosmoprof Academy.Admission to the Istana grounds is free for Singaporeans and Singapore permanent residents.Other visitors will have to pay an entrance fee of S$1 per person.
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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Reopen

Chesapeake Bay Bridge (commonly known as the Bay Bridge) Reopen: Md. reopens Chesapeake Bay Bridge, linking eastern and western: On Friday morning we found a body is not identified in the Chesapeake Bay near Sandy Point State Park. Just before the fire 9-County was named after the Police Department of natural resources to recover from the body.

The storm tide at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay is a peak near record level of Hurricane Isabel about 4 feet and earlier tonight, the water level in the tunnel of the bridge of the Chesapeake Bay in 2003. Rainfall ranged primarily 5-”10″

Md. reopens Chesapeake Bay Bridge, linking eastern and western
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge reopened to all vehicles is also next to the tractor trailers, Anne Arundel County Emergency Management announced via Twitter. About BGE customers had no electric service 461600 as of 8: 45 pm-146000 more in them

The storm tide at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay is a peak near record level of Hurricane Isabel about 4 feet and earlier tonight, the water level in the tunnel of the bridge of the Chesapeake Bay in 2003. Rainfall ranged primarily 5-”10″ Maryland Transportation Authority has closed the bridge of the Chesapeake Bay as Hurricane Irene approaches and winds.
Tags: Chesapeake Bay Bridge,

Manchester United vs Arsenal Live Stream

Manchester United vs Arsenal Live Stream: Manchester United vs Arsenal Live Stream Trend: Watch Manchester United vs Arsenal Live Stream Online:

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Mark Haines Cause of Death

Mark Haines Cause of Death: Mark Haines manned the business desk at CNBC since 1989. Prior to joining CNBC, Haines was a TV news anchor for stations in Providence, Rhode Island, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and New York, New York. Why the Secrecy Surrounding Mark Haines Cause of Death?

Mark Haines Cause of Death: Mark Haines Died of Congestive Heart Failure
On June 8, 2011, Dr. David B. Durand announced on his website that he had spoken to the Monmouth County Medical Examiner's office and was told that Mark Haines died of natural causes, namely congestive heart failure due to cardiomegaly. Cardiomegaly means that the heart is enlarged.

Hearts can become enlarged for many reasons such as heart valve problems, stress, weakening of the heart muscle, coronary artery disease and abnormal heart rhythms. It's all speculation at this point, and will remain so until further details come to light. It's possible no further details will be released.

If a lawsuit is actually filed by the family of Mark Haines, that would become public knowledge. But a settlement could be reached prior, which would probably not be made public. No official cause of death for Mark Haines has been released. But unofficially, he died of natural causes, namely congestive heart failure due to cardiomegaly.By YAHOO.COM ASSOCIATE CONTENT
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Adidas King of the Road

Adidas King of the Road: Adidas King of the Road Singapore: Bonifacio Global City, runners may choose to participate in the any of the 5k, 16.8k and 21k course. Race fees are P1,050 for the 5km and 21km and P1,300 for the 16.8km. You can also get a race kit when you purchase P7,000 worth of adidas running products or get 50% off for P5,000 worth of adidas running products. Registration is only until August 31, 2011.

Adidas King of the Road 2011: The Reservation Code is a unique code that corresponds to a race slot.
    Immediately log on to www.adidaskingoftheroad.com to register.
    Go to the Philippines tab and click on Registration.
    Read and accept the Terms and Conditions then click VIP/Prepaid Registration.
   Key in your Reservation Code found on your KOTR Prepaid Reservation Form and follow registration steps as instructed.
    Receive your confirmation email after a successful registration.Please note that no computer stations are set up in the stores. Log on to the website to register from any computer with Internet connection.  KOTR Prepaid Reservation Forms are available from August 22 to August 31, 2011, or while forms last.  Registration ends August 31, 2011.
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Billiard King 桌球天王

Billiard King 桌球天王: Table Tennis King 桌球天王: (桌球天王) 讲述游一桥 在西贡开设一间餐厅,闲时喜欢钓鱼,看似无欲无求,消遥自由。他在八十年代是个桌球高手,曾获得多项大赛奖项。少年轻狂,跟友人的一场牙骹战中,竟答应以女友作为赌注,女友知悉,恼恨 。一桥一怒之下提出分手,女友嫁给其对手为妻。一桥后悔莫及遂黯然隐退,离开球坛。后偶遇女友之子,遂将毕生的技术传授子谦。

Translate: (桌球天王) "Table Tennis King" tells a bridge tour opened a restaurant in Saigon, leisure like fishing, it seems seeding, the sanction of freedom. In the eighties he was a billiard master, has won a number of competition awards. Young and frivolous, with friends in a battle tooth joints, actually agreed to his girlfriend as a bet, his girlfriend knows hate. Huff to break off a bridge, its rival wife to marry his girlfriend. A bridge and had to regret and then retreat, leaving the football sport. After the encounter the son of his girlfriend, then has the technology to teach Ziqian life.
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Bank of America Stock Update

Bank of America Stock Update: Bank of America Stock: Bank of U.S.A. Stocks plunged twenty% on Monday following the news that the USA International Group (AIG) insurance is suing it for billions of dollars over alleged mortgage fraud. A Fortune five hundred company, Bank of U.S.A. is America greatest bank. It dropped more than twenty% while shares of AIG fell 10% on Mon. This year, Bank of U.S.A. has already lost nearly forty-nine% of its value, while AIG has depreciated more than fifty-nine%. 

Atlantic Equities’ Richard Staite said that the slump in Bank of U.S.A.s stock is being triggered by more than just the AIG news. It’s part of a broader market selloff that took other banking stocks down with it. He added that investors are losing confidence in Bank of U.S.A. causing its stocks to decline significantly. Furthermore, the credit default swaps (CDS) tied to its debt was at their peak level since May 2009. 

Credit default swaps reflect the interest rates that Bank of United States has to pay to borrow Currency. If they keep rising, Staite said it would exacerbate investor concerns about whether the company has sufficiency liquidity to run its business.Bank of America Stock.
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Yushin Okami vs Anderson Silva Live

Yushin Okami vs Anderson Silva Live: Watch Yushin Okami vs Anderson Silva Live Match: Anderson Silva is the finest. That’s really all you can say about the guy. He’s the finest fighter in MMA ever and later tonight, there aren’t any true competitions for him at 185 outside of the Chael Sonnen rematch should he defeat Brian Stann at UFC 136. Fights against Brian Stann, Mark Munoz, and Chris Leben do not truly seem all that interesting and the longer he fights the more upset I’m that somebody will pick up a win because he got old and not because they were the superior fighter. 

Editorial aside, tonight’s performance is finest described as Anderson Silva being Anderson Silva. He took his time in the 1st round as he often does in order to get Yushin Okami’s timing. When Okami clinch up versus the cage, he was battered with a few knees to the body that caused his ribs to bruise a shade of pink showing the damage that Anderson can do. He took his time, maybe savoring the moment of having an arena full of Brazilians cheer and sing for him. 

It felt much wish a soccer match. The round finished with him almost finishing the fight with a head kick. In the 2nd, we saw what makes Anderson the finest fighter ever. His ability to slip punches is stuff of legend with his head movement keeping Okami at a distance. He dropped Yushin with what looked to be a jab but let the Japanese fighter back to his feet. He then dropped Okami again and this time he did not give Thunder any time to recover. 

Battering him with punches, knees, and elbows to the body, the referee was forced to stop the fight for the sake of fighter safety.  There’s not much else to say truly. Anderson is the biggest UFC fighter in the history of the organization. He’s the most decorated champion and the winningest fighter. He’s undefeated in the promotion with a record of 14-0. His overall fight record is 31-4. He’s defended the middleweight belt 9 times. Yushin Okami was supposed to be a legitimate challenger for Anderson. Massive for a middleweight, he had the tools to make tis an interesting fight. Unfortunately for him, he just Is not on the same level as the Brazilian fighter. At 10-3 in the company, he’s one of the top middleweights in the sport. The loss definitely drops him down the ladder and he needs to build his way back up in the division.
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Ns for Girls

NS for Girls: Watch NS for Girls: Can NS be for girls? Should girls in Singapore serve NS? "Imagine if girls in Singapore had to serve NS too?

"While it sometimes doesn't seem fair that Singaporean guys give up two years of their lives for NS, it just feels wrong to put girls through such a program, as they don't seem suited for it.

Girls can go ns if they want.. Now why married guys have to go ns?? Not fair!
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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Presidential Election 2011 Results

Presidential Election 2011 Results: PE 2011 Singapore: Singapore Presidential Election Latest Results 2011: Singapore Election Votes Recount : Polling Stations for the Singapore Presidential Election 2011 have closed at 8pm Saturday, and ballot boxes have been sealed and brought to 162 counting centers. Polls opened island wide at 8am at 781 stations located at schools, Community Centres and void decks.

The Elections Department said as at 5pm, 83.44 per cent of 2.27 million eligible voters have cast their votes.Many voters were still making their way to the polling stations, half an hour before polling ended at 8pm. CHANNEL NEWS ASIA

Update: Votes Recount now underway Channel News Asia reports
, Singapore waits for Returning Officer Yam Ah Mee to announce the results of the Presidential Election, the online  and offlineit seems that a recount is now underway, according to The Straits Times, as counting agents are back at the stations.
  2,274,773 [OV: 0,000]
Update: Tony TAN Cheng Lian Win Margin 0,000,000 (00.0%) No Official Result Announced Yet
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Pe 2011 Singapore

PE 2011 Singapore: Singapore Presidential Election Results 2011: Singapore Election Votes Ends : Polling Stations for the Singapore Presidential Election 2011 have closed at 8pm Saturday, and ballot boxes have been sealed and brought to 162 counting centers.

Polls opened island-wide at 8am at 781 stations located at schools, Community Centres and void decks.

The Elections Department said as at 5pm, 83.44 per cent of 2.27 million eligible voters have cast their votes.Many voters were still making their way to the polling stations, half an hour before polling ended at 8pm.

At Hong Wen Primary School in Towner Road, some said they waited until the eleventh hour as they had to work in the day.Others said they wanted to wait for the wet weather to clear. CHANNEL NEWS ASIA
  2,274,773 [OV: 0,000]
Voter turnout:
  0,000,000 [OV: 0,000] (00.0%)
Election deposit:  $48,000 (+28%)
Current: Tony TAN Cheng Lian win margin 0,000,000 (00.0%) Not Official
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Singapore Presidential Election Results 2011

Singapore Presidential Election Results 2011: Singapore Election Votes Ends : Polling Stations for the Singapore Presidential Election 2011 have closed at 8pm Saturday, and ballot boxes have been sealed and brought to 162 counting centers.

Polls opened island-wide at 8am at 781 stations located at schools, Community Centres and void decks.

The Elections Department said as at 5pm, 83.44 per cent of 2.27 million eligible voters have cast their votes.Many voters were still making their way to the polling stations, half an hour before polling ended at 8pm.

At Hong Wen Primary School in Towner Road, some said they waited until the eleventh hour as they had to work in the day.Others said they wanted to wait for the wet weather to clear. CHANNEL NEWS ASIA 
2,274,773 [OV: 0,000]
Voter turnout:
0,000,000 [OV: 0,000] (00.0%)
Election deposit:
  $48,000 (+28%) 
Current: Tony TAN Cheng Lian win margin 0,000,000 (00.0%) Not Official 
Tags: singapore presidential election results, singapore presidential election, presidential election, singapore election, singapore elections results, singapore presidential election 2011 results final

Watch Khuntoria Ep 61 Online

Khuntoria Ep 61: Watch Khuntoria Ep 61 Online: Download Khuntoria Ep 61 Free: 110827 Wgm: 110827 WGM Khuntoria EP 61 Eng Sub Online: 110827 Khuntoria Preview EP 62: If Key were to cast on We Got Married, who do you want as his ‘wife’?

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Lady Gaga Katy Perry Blacklist in China

Lady Gaga Katy Perry Blacklist in China: Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Beyonce Songs Banned In China: Lady Gaga and Katy Perry are among the Western artists appearing on a black list of 100 songs compiled by the Department of Chinese culture.

Chinese entertainment Siger these were banned by the Chinese Ministry of Culture who want to keep "tasteless and vulgar content" far from their youth.

Gaga tracks, including "The Edge of Glory" and "Judas" are cited, and Perry "Friday Night" and Britney Spears "Burning Up". A notice posted on the Ministry of Culture said that the 100 songs were not submitted for formal approval.

Lady Gaga six songs in all were on the list, all of his latest album. The Ballad of 12 "I Want It That Way" by Backstreet Boys were also targeted. Meanwhile, "Run the World (Girls)" by Beyonce is also forbidden to online distribution.

Jimeng Teng, a professor of American Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University, said that sex, politics or religion could put a song on the black list, but even songs about "the independence of youth" can go to against the censors. Most of the songs are banned from Taiwan or Hong Kong, with several from Japan. China tried to stop illegal downloads and also had the idea of ​​keeping the songs of "bad taste "outside the country.
Tags: boyonce run the world girls, katty perry, lady gaga, lady gaga banned in china,

Singapore Presidential Election 2011

Singapore Presidential Election 2011:  Singaporean to cast a vote again today 27th August is the day! In the year of 2011 Presidential Election Singapore, which TAN will win? Will be the President of Singapore 2011 is Mr Tan Kin Lian? Will be the President of Singapore 2011 is Dr Tony Tan? Will be the President of Singapore 2011 is Mr Tan Jee Say? or will be the President of Singapore 2011 is Dr Tan Cheng Bock.

The Final Presidential Candidate 2011 Broadcast, the candidates focused on what they would do if elected and their ability to empathize with Singaporeans.
Singapore Presidential Election 2011 Final Round
Mr Tan Kin Lian: repeated his proposals for a President Personal Council, giving more to NSmen and the elderly.
Dr Tony Tan: said the presidential election has been one of the most challenging things he has ever done but it has also been the most exciting.
Mr Tan Jee Say: who has been speaking of the "check and balance" role he will play on government, this time focused his message on the President’s veto powers.
Dr Tan Cheng Bock: Focused on the five qualities he feels the President should have, including empathy, someone who is fair, who has the right corporate governance experience and diplomatic experience.
Tags: presidential election 2011, presidential election, presidential election singapore, presidential election singapore 2011, singapore presidential election 2011, tan cheng bock, Singaporean presidential election 2011, Singaporean presidential election 2011 live, Singapore presidential election 2011 results,

Friday, August 26, 2011

Lailatul Qadr 2011

Lailatul Qadr 2011: Searching Lailatul Qadr in Odd Nights (Shab-e-Qadr):  Qadr means Honour and Dignity. Lailatul Qadr means the night of honour and dignity. It is this night in which the first Divine Revelation came to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, when he was in prayer in the cave of Hira. Since this night enjoys the honour of having the first revelation brought to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam, it has been named Lailatul Qadr.

This is one of the holiest and most blessed nights, which is likely to occur on one of the odd nights on the last ten days of Ramadhan and most likely to be the 27th. The reward of worship on this night is better than the worship of a thousand months of worship, equivalent to a person's lifetime. So, on this night one should pray nafil namaz, recite the Quran, do Tasbih, Zikr, Duas, etc as much as possible.

[Sahih Muslim :  Book 6, Book Name 'Kitab Al-Sawm' Number 2625]
Abu Sa ’id al-Khudri (Radi Allah Anhu) reported that Allah’s Messenger  (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) spent in devotion (in i’tikaf) the middle ten nights of the month ofRamadan, and when twenty nights were over and it was the twenty-first night, he went back to his residence and those who were along with him also returned (to their respective residences). He spent one month in devotion. Then he addressed the people on the night he came back (to his residence) and commanded them as Allah desired (him to command) and then said: I used to devote myself (observe i’tikaf) during these ten (nights). Then I started devoting myself in the last ten (nights). And he who desires to observe i’tikaf along with me should spend the night) at his place of i’tikaf. And I saw this night (Lailat-ul-Qadr) but I forgot it (the exact night) ; so seek it;In the last ten nights on odd numbers.

[Sahih Bukhari :  Volume 3, Book 33, Book Name 'I'tikaf' Number 242]
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar (Radi Allah Anhu): Allah’s Apostle (sal-allahu-alleihi-wasallam) used to practise Itikaf in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan.

Special Prayers/Dua and Zikr for Laitul Qadr
1. Seeking Forgiveness. Hazrat Aa'ishah radhiyallahu anhaa asked the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam that if she happened to get the night sublime what prayer should she say. The Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam replied that she should say the following prayer :
"Allahumma innaka afuwwun kareemun tuhib-bul af-wa fa-afo anni"
(O Allah, You are the One who grants pardon for sins, loves forgiving, so forgive me.)
2. Reciting Astaghfar. The following should be recited as much as possible:
"Astaghfirullah hallazi la-ila-ha illa huwal Hayyul Qayyumo wa atu-bu ilaihe"
(I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, there is no God but He. He is self-Existent, the Eternal and I return to Him)
3. Reciting Surah `Inna anzalnahu...'
"Inna anzalnahu fee lailathil Qadr, Wa maa adraka maa lailatul Qadr.
Lailatul Qadri khairum min alfi shahr. Tanazzalul malai-katu var-roohu
fee ha bi izni Rabbihim min kulle amr. Salaamun heya hatta matla-il fajr."
4. Do Salatul Tasbih.
5. Do Afzul Zikr i.e. La ilaha illallah
Our Lord! accept from us; surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.
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Lives Of Omission 20

Lives Of Omission 20: Watch Lives Of Omission Episode 20 Online: Lives Of Omission Episode 20 is out for watch: Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 01 August 2011
Director: Chong Wai Kin
Cast: Michael Tse, Bosco Wong, Damian Lau, Fala Chen, Kate Tsui, Mandy Wong, Jin Au Yeung, Daniel Chau, Ronald Law, Bella Lam
Genre: TV Series, Action, Crime
Lives of Omission 潛行狙擊: Lives of Omission Episode 20 潛行狙擊 第20集
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Watch Lives Of Omission Episode 20 Online

Watch Lives Of Omission Episode 20 Online: Lives Of Omission Episode 20 is out for watch: Language: Cantonese
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 30 Episodes
Release Date: 01 August 2011
Director: Chong Wai Kin
Cast: Michael Tse, Bosco Wong, Damian Lau, Fala Chen, Kate Tsui, Mandy Wong, Jin Au Yeung, Daniel Chau, Ronald Law, Bella Lam
Genre: TV Series, Action, Crime 
Lives of Omission 潛行狙擊: Lives of Omission Episode 20 潛行狙擊 第20集
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Phua Poh Sim

Phua Poh Sim:  A captain with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Phua Poh Sim, 31, a weapon staff officer from December 2007 to November 2008, had incurred debts of about $100,000 after gambling on cruise ships  has been jailed for four months for selling classified information to a defence contractor.

A colleague then introduced him to Richard Yow Wan, the managing director of defence contractor Certified Aerospace. He pleaded guilty on WednesdayPhua confided to Yow during one of their meetings at a karaoke lounge that Citibank was after him to repay his debt, and promised Yow he would provide confidential information on certain projects. Phua asked him for a $28,000 loan. ASIAONE.COM
Tags: phua poh sim, phua poh sim arrested, phua poh sim jailed,

1911 Movie

1911 Movie: 1911 Movie Jackie Chan: 1911 is Jackie Chan’s 100th Film, Release Date for USA and China in November 2011: Jackie Chan is 57 years old.  Jackie Chan’s first credit was 1964′s Big and Little Wong Tin Bar.  Jackie Chan has filmed 100 movies.  Let that sink in… Actually, 1911 will be billed as Chan’s hundredth project to coincide with the centennial of the film’s subject matter: “the founding of the Republic of China when nationalist forces led by Sun Yat-sen (Winston Chao) overthrew the Qing Dynasty.”  IMDB has Chan at 109 acting credits, including a few uncredited appearances and his voice gig for Kung Fu Panda.  But still, nothing to sneeze at no matter the margin of error around 100.

The posters (featured after the jump) suggest November 2011 the Wuchang Uprising launched the revolution on October 10, 1911.  Chan co-directed 1911 with Red Cliff cinematographer Zhang Li.
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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rihanna And J Cole Tape

Rihanna And J Cole Sex Tape: The “S&M” songstress, 23, is the latest celebrity to get tangled in a sex tape scandal, and it involves a rather well-known up-and-coming artist. Yesterday reports surfaced that a sex tape made by Rihanna and rapper J. Cole was up for sale.

Media Takeout claims to have received screen shots of a woman with red hair resembling Rihanna giving head to a man who looks like J. Cole. “Hustler are in possession of the Rihanna and J-Cole tape,” said a rep for the adult company to the RadarOnline.

Meanwhile, has denied the news and said that this is a rumor and magazine must need some video to show the tape. “We don’t believe U, U need more people…AND of course an actual sextape! #slownewsday,” Rihanna posted on Wednesday night.
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Champions League Draw Live Stream 2011

Champions League draw Live Stream 2011: Watch Champions League Draw 2011Live Streaming: The UEFA Champions League Draw 2011 has been taken place and we have one of the toughest group as Bayern, City, Napoli and has been placed in group A and City will have to play out of their skin to get anything out of this group.

Manchester United got a very easy group we have to say while Barcelona and Milan from Italy has been placed in the Group H. Real Madrid and Lyon again paired in group D with Ajax making it 4 teams.
UEFA Champions League 2011-2012 Groups.
Group A
FC Bayern München (GER)
Villarreal CF (ESP)
Manchester City FC (ENG)
SSC Napoli (ITA)
Group B
FC Internazionale Milano (ITA)
LOSC Lille Métropole (FRA)
Trabzonspor AŞ (TUR)
Group C
Manchester United FC (ENG)
SL Benfica (POR)
FC Basel 1893 (SUI)
FC Oţelul Galaţi (ROU)
Group D
Real Madrid CF (ESP)
Olympique Lyonnais (FRA)
AFC Ajax (NED)
GNK Dinamo Zagreb (CRO)
Group E
Chelsea FC (ENG)
Valencia CF (ESP)
Bayer 04 Leverkusen (GER)
KRC Genk (BEL)
Group F
Arsenal FC (ENG)
Olympique de Marseille (FRA)
Olympiacos FC (GRE)
Borussia Dortmund (GER)
Group G
FC Porto (POR)
FC Shakhtar Donetsk (UKR)
FC Zenit St Petersburg (RUS)
Group H
FC Barcelona (ESP)
AC Milan (ITA)
FC BATE Borisov (BLR)
FC Viktoria Plzeň (CZE)
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Jim Carrey To Emma Stone

Jim Carrey To Emma Stone I Love You' In Possibly Video:  Jim Carrey's message to Emma Stone (Jim Carrey declara en video su amor por Emma Stone): Jim Carrey may have taken the name "Crazy, Stupid, Love." a little bit too literally.

The 49-year old actor just released a video in which he declares his love to 22-year old It Girl actress Emma Stone, in which he day dreams about their would-be marriage and sex. There's no sign of sarcasm in the video, and according to IMDB, they're not working on any projects together in the near future -- meaning there's no reason to create some sort of secret viral promotion.  
Jim Carrey's message to Emma Stone : "I just wanted to let you know that I think you're all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but, you know, smart and kindhearted. And if I were a lot younger, I would marry you, and we would have chubby little freckled faced kids. We'd laugh all day long and go camping and play Yahtzee and tell ghost stories by the fire. And the sex?"
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Lokpal Bill Singapore

Lokpal Bill Singapore: Singapore lokpal bill in 1982: The Indian Parliament fully supports the fight against corruption Lokpal legislative bill, “Rajnikanth said in a statement to the IAC.

Superstar Rajinikanth 安娜哈撒拉 and his campaign has been strong support for the bill in January Lokpal.

Anna is a song I hear the resonance in the United States. Message similar to the 1982 in Singapore, LOKPAL Act 142 process and corruption in a day of ministers and officials were arrested.

Singapore was the day in the process, corrupt ministers and officials 142 LOKPAL draft has been arrested.
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HP Touchpad Hong Kong

HP Touchpad Hong Kong: HP TouchPad Wi-Fi Version Hit Hong Kong: The HP TouchPad Brings a New Tablet Contender to Hong Kong: The Tablet war between iPad and Android-powered tablets heats up with a third contender in the form of the HP TouchPad.

Hewlett-Packard comes into this fight as an underdog with a tablet that is powered by their own operating system and over a year behind the top dog Apple – and a completely new OS to Hong Kong as they haven’t officially released their WebOS smartphones the Pre, Pixi or the Veer – so they must be pretty confident in the TouchPad to release it here with so much competition.

The new tablet webOS lets you move back and forth seamlessly between multiple applications and activities. With HP webOS you can search the web while writing email; reply to a notification while scrolling through a playlist, or update your Facebook status just by starting to type.

Basic Features/HP Touchpad Specifications/Spec
    1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-core APQ8060 processor
    9.7-inch diagonal, LED backlit multi-touch display (capacitive), XGA (1024 x 768) 18-bit color depth
    Multi-touch glass display with a special coating for easier cleaning and abrasion resistance
    Front-facing 1.3MP camera and digital microphone for live video calling.5
    6300 mAh (typical) lithium-polymer battery
    Charging options are HP TouchPad A/C charger plus microUSB cable, and HP Touchstone wireless charging optional.6
    Light sensor, accelerometer, compass (magnetometer), and gyroscope
    Internal stereo speakers and Beats Audio™
    Integrated microphone
    3.5 mm stereo headphone
    Microphone jack
There are two configurations 16 GB and 32 GB both are Wi-Fi only and the suggested retail price for each are as follows:
    16 GB – HK$3,180
    32 GB – HK$3,980
More Updates at HP Touchpad HK
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灿烂的遗产 (Brilliant Legacy): "Splendid Heritage" by the Korean SBS TV produced, directed by Chen He, screenwriter for Suxian Jing, the play about the moment happened my father passed away, family decline, etc. Unfortunately, the protagonist of the Gorn Star (Han Hyo Joo) the chance to obtain a fresh in-hwan. 

(灿烂的遗产 由韩国SBS电视台出品,导演为陈赫,编剧为苏贤晶,该剧讲述了一瞬间 发生父亲过世,家族没落等不幸的主角高恩星(韩孝珠)因偶然的机会获得了鲜于焕) 《49天》之所以能够让人感动还因为它与现实有着千丝万缕的联系。

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jorge Luis Google Doodle

Jorge Luis Borges Google Doodle: Google Doodle is also paying a tribute to the legend write and doodle has also inspired by the writings of Jorge Luis Borges honors the Argentine author on his 112th birthday.

Legend writer Jorge Luis Borges was born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) on Aug. 24, 1899 and died June 14, 1986 at age 86—it his birthday today and was born 112-years ago today and is the subject of a special Doodle on today’s Google home page.

Jorge Luis Borges was an Argentine writer, essayist, poet and translator born in Buenos Aires who was one of several distinguished authors who never received the honour–but Google is celebrating his birthday today.
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Thailand vs Singapore Live Stream

Thailand vs Singapore Live Stream: Watch Thailand vs Singapore Live Stream Free: Free Thailand vs Singapore Live Stream Highlights: Thailand vs Singapore will becoma a great match. The midfield, possibly shahdan and shi jiayi will be key to our team’s attacking play. 

They showed plenty of good movement and creativity with the ball. both are excellent technically and keep the ball very well. it would be a more fluid and dynamic midfield which would be fun to watch.

Free Online Thailand vs Singapore Live Stream.
Thailand vs Singapore
August 24, 2011
Friendly Match
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Watch Bleach Movie 4 Eng Sub: Watch Bleach Movie 4 Jigoku Hen English Subbed Free Online HD Bleach Movie 4 Subbed and English Dubbed Streaming. The best place to Watch Bleach Movie 4 JHell Chapter Online Free.


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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

110823 Strong Heart

110823 Strong Heart: 110823 Strong Heart Kyuhyun’s Love Story: “I’m one who does believe in destiny. falling in love at sight … like, when i’m at a traffic light or on the subway, i would get nervous … just in case … there was a time after my accident when i regularly visited the hospital for treatment … and one of the nurses caught me eye. it was the first time in my life i’d been attracted to someone, so i thought, oh i should do something about this … 
110823 Strong Heart: 110823 Strong Heart Kyuhyun’s Love Story: 
it wasn’t a long time after debut, but i was still an idol, so it took a lot of courage for me to do such a thing. but i went up to her and took my phone out, asking whether she could give me her number. and for three seconds, she just looked at me. three seconds is really long, you know? she replied after that hesitation ‘no sorry i can’t tell you’. and then one person next to her whispered to her, and other people were getting interested, so i thought ‘oh this isn’t right’ and i walked away after that. but i thought, this isn’t like a man to walk away my first time. so i made a plan through the drama ‘lovers in paris’. there’s this scene where the male lead keeps asking the female to go with him by taking all of the numbers where she works in line … so i thought i just do it too. i took about ten numbers, and asked her ‘do you remember me’ and she said ‘yes, i do’ … and her eyes wavered; they did. so i thought ‘oh it’s going to work’ … but then she looked at me and apologised ‘sorry, i have a boyfriend’ … and then one day at a fansigning, i saw her. and i wondered, ‘had she broken up with her boyfriend and asked if we could date … because this is the only way she could have seen me’ and my heart felt like it was going to explode … but she was in the line next to mine … 
110823 Strong Heart: 110823 Strong Heart Kyuhyun’s Love Story:
eunhyuk was sitting next to me. i couldn’t believe it. (eunhyuk: *lounges back* a man needs charisma). and she introduces herself, saying ‘hi i’m so and so’ and i was so shocked. if it was siwon i couldn’t have said anything … but it was eunhyuk. from that day, i decided not to believe in destiny.”
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World’s Most Expensive Perfume Bottle

World’s Most Expensive Perfume Bottle: DKNY Perfume Bottle is world’s most expensive : It looks golden delicious but you can't bite into it. This is one apple that's only to be admired, which you can "see no touch"!

The iconic New York brand DKNY has partnered with celebrity jeweller Martin Katz to create the world's first million-dollar fragrance bottle. The shape? You guessed it - an apple.

The launch of the DKNY Golden Delicious fragrance in Kuala Lumpur recently was a prestigious affair with two security guards guarding the world's first million-dollar fragrance bottle and men in black hovering around mysteriously.

Bringing to life the rich and sparkling aroma of the new DKNY Golden Delicious Eau de Parfum is the apple-shaped flacon (the size of the 100ml bottle) adorned with rare jewels which made its first stop in Malaysia and is now still travelling across the globe to Mexico, Brussels, Netherlands, Germany, Britain, Taiwan, Israel, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland and Dubai.

It will make its final stop in Los Angeles on DKNY's Facebook page in October where the bottle will be sold for charity.

The brand is raising awareness for the global fight against hunger and the net proceeds from the sale of this million dollar DKNY "apple" will go towards Action Against Hunger, a global humanitarian organisation committed to ending world hunger.

The DKNY Golden Delicious Million Dollar fragrance bottle is carved from polished 14 carat yellow and white gold and features 2,700 round brilliant white diamonds weighing 15.17 carats, 183 golden yellow sapphires weighing 2.28 carats in a micro pave setting in 14 carat white gold making up the Manhattan skyline that is so iconic to the DKNY brand.

A 2.43 carat flawless vivid yellow canary diamond adorns the cap of the bottle alongside a DKNY Golden Delicious diamond oval logo. By Plushasia.com
Tags: perfume bottle, expensive, dkny,

15 World's Fastest Growing Airports

15 World's Fastest Growing Airports: 1. SABIHA GOKCEN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; ISTANBUL, TURKEY:  Increased by 74.7 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 11,598,026 
Istanbul's Sabiha Gökçen Airport is the world's fastest growing airport, according to a new report released by Airports Council International (ACI). 

2. VIRACOPOS-CAMPINAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; CAMPINAS, BRAZIL - Increased by 57.8 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 5,591,163

3. GALEAO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Increased by 53.5 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 7,833,588 

4. CHARLEROI AIRPORT; BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - Increased by 31.7 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 5,182,168 31.7 

5. SHEREMETYEVO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; MOSCOW, RUSSIA - Increased by 30.9 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 19,329,185 

6. PAMPULHA-CARLOS DRUMMOND DE ANDRADE AIRPORT; BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL - Increased by 29.5 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 7,599,323 

7. EL DORADO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; BOGOTA, COLOMBIA - Increased by 26.8 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 18,762,502 

8. PHUKET INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; PHUKET, THAILAND - Increased by 26.5 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 7,313,783 

9. SHANGHAI PUDONG INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; SHANGHAI, CHINA - Increased by 26.4 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 40,578,621 

10. MUSCAT INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; MUSCAT, OMAN - Increased by 26.2 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 5,751,516 

11. ESENBOGA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; ANKARA, TURKEY - Increased by 25.9 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 7,788,214 

12. ST. PETERSBURG-CLEARWATER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - Increased by 24.9 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 8,443,753 

13. POLONIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; MEDAN, INDONESIA - Increased by 24.9 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 6,189,575 

14. SHANGHAI HONGQIAO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; SHANGHAI, CHINA - Increased by 24.8 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 31,298,812 

15. GENERAL MITCHELL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT; MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, USA - Increased by 24.1 per cent in visitor arrivals. Total passengers: 9,848,377

Kim Kardashian Engagement Ring Showing Off

Kim Kardashian Engagement Ring Showing Off In Monaco Photo/Pictture: The $2 million Kim Kardashian engagement ring sure did get a lot of showing off this weekend in Monaco. Kris and Kim were there at a big fashion event to spend time with Kris’ family.

Kris told People “I wanted to propose before the trip so we could really spend some quality time together with my family as a couple” and that he “planned it that way.”

The 20.5 carat ring sure did turn plenty of heads. The platinum ring features a 16.5-carat emerald cut center stone placed between two 2-carat trapezoids. The ring is specially designed by Lorraine Schwartz who is not only a jewelry designer but is also a friend of Kim’s. She worked hard to make the perfect Kim Kardashian engagement ring.
Kim Kardashian Engagement Ring: Showing Off In Monaco (PHOTOS)
Tags: Kim Kardashian, Kim Kardashian Engagement Ring, kris humphries

Uol External Results 2011

Uol External Results 2011: University of London (UOL) External: Students all over the world of the different countries are searching in the google to know about UOL External Results 2011 Latest Update.

Candidates can check their results on www.londoninternational.ac.uk, which is the official website of the board.

Candidates should keep in mind that the www.londoninternational.ac.uk, official website will be high-traffic and will not be upload soon due to over-load.

If it opens, then it is very easy to check the results candidates have just to fill their roll number and their eagerly-waited digits will be appeared.
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Uol Exams Results 2011

Uol Exams Results 2011: University of London Exam Results: A large number of students of the differnt countries of world are searching in the google to know about UOL Exams Results 2011.

Candidates can check their results on www.londoninternational.ac.uk, which is the official website of the board.

Candidates should keep in mind that the www.londoninternational.ac.uk, official website will be high-traffic and will not be upload soon due to over-load.

If it opens, then it is very easy to check the results candidates have just to fill their roll number and their eagerly-waited digits will be appeared.
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Kate Winslet Rescued Mom

Kate Winslet Rescues Richard Branson’s Mom From House Fire: Kate Winslet Rescues Richard Branson’s 90-Year-Old Mom:  Kate Winslet and her children were among the guests who escaped a fire at billionaire Richard Branson’s home on his private Caribbean island. The Virgin Group boss said about 20 people, including Winslet and her children, were staying in the eight-bedroom Great House on Necker, his private isle in the British Virgin Islands.

The eccentric billionaire said the fire broke out before dawn when lightning from a tropical storm hit the home. According to the Sky News, Sir Richard Branson was staying at another property around 100 yards away with his wife, Joan, and 25-year-old son Sam when the blaze took hold after a tropical storm.

Flames quickly ravaged the wood and stone mansion forcing those inside. Richard Branson cited a tropical storm as the cause, saying a lightning storm hit the house around 4:00 AM. Sir Richard Branson said, “We had a really bad tropical storm with winds up to 90mph. A big lightning storm came around 4:00 am and hit the house.
Tags: kate winslet, richard branson, necker island fire , British Virgin Islands,fire,Holly Branson, KATE WINSLET, Necker Island,Richard Branson,Virgin

Lee Min Ho’s New Girlfriend

Lee Min Ho’s New Girlfriend: Park Min Young Is Lee Min Ho’s New Girlfriend: Korean drama “City Hunter” was one of the most romantic drama which was liked by the lot of fans due to its romance and some lip-lock kisses between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young. Their agencies confirmed Tuesday that the two have been dating for over a month after shooting ended.

Means to say that Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young have been dating for a month so far, following the end of their popular drama “City Hunter.”

Allkpop reports that Lee Min Ho’s agency, Starhaus Entertainment, told Dispatch, “When the two were together, their interest for one another could be felt. They are going towards the step of getting to know each other.”
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Park Min Young

Park Min Young: Lee Min Ho’s New Girlfriend Park Min Young: Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young Dating Photos: The close profession has turned into close relationship. It isn’t new in the Hollywood or Bollywood that the couple who work together in a place, under the same team whenever they play the scenes of their targeted movie or drama then they are too close.

Same like that, Korean drama “City Hunter” was one of the most romantic drama which was liked by the lot of fans due to its romance and some lip-lock kisses between Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young. Their agencies confirmed Tuesday that the two have been dating for over a month after shooting ended.

Means to say that Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young have been dating for a month so far, following the end of their popular drama “City Hunter.”

Allkpop reports that Lee Min Ho’s agency, Starhaus Entertainment, told Dispatch, “When the two were together, their interest for one another could be felt. They are going towards the step of getting to know each other.”
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Monday, August 22, 2011

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The Glee Project Glee Ality Megavideo: Watch The Glee Project Season 1 Episode 10 Online Finale Glee-ality S01E10 Streaming Megavideo: The Glee Project 1 Season, 10 Episodes, Airs: 9:00 PM on Oxygen.

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The Very Last Final Episode of Glee Project "Glee-Ality" 

G.Na Top Girl

G.Na Top Girl: G.Na Top Girl Banana: G.NA’s “Top Girl” mini-album released!: G.NA’s highly anticipated 2nd mini album, “Top Girl” has been released! G.NA's second mini-album “Top Girl” drops August 23.

The EP contains 5 tracks in all including TOP Girl, Banana, Hate You, Without You, and Icon. On Allkpop
After a quick listen, all the tracks on the album are hot! Purchasing the music.
Tags: 2nd-mini, album, all-including, check-out-some, highly-anticipated, music, out-some, quick-listen, select, the-album, the-select, tracks  

Watch Beelzebub Episode 32 English Sub Online

Watch Beelzebub Episode 32 English Sub Online: See episode 32 Avenue Beelzebub online replacing Franco Anime. Beelzebub episode 32 is included with and hosted on popular sites for sharing videos from third parties such as: YouTube, Veoh, Megavideo, Myspace, Google Video and other video-sharing websites. 

Avenida own anime, or the content or intellectual property in the claim in any way. All videos are videos of the aforementioned websites and not greet, loaded or property of Avenida Anime, server or Hosting provider.
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How to Login into Myacca Student Portal

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ACCA is one of the largest global professional accounting bodies and fastest in the world, with more than 493,500 members and students in 170 countries. ACCA has an extensive network of nearly 80 staffed offices and other facilities around the world. It is the world body ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) for professional accountants. They provide relevant qualifications first choice business people of application, ability and ambition of the world is a promising career in accounting, finance and administration and its purpose is. 
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Download Super Junior Mr Simple Version B

Super Junior Mr Simple Version B: Download 110818 Super Junior to release ‘Version B’ of “Mr. Simple”:  Album: Super Junior will be releasing a ‘Version B’ of their 5th full-length album, “Mr. Simple“!
The album jackets for ‘Version B’ are already gaining a hot response among their fans and looks likely to be another hot seller, thanks to their ‘urban soldier’ concept.
Super Junior Mr Simple Version B Tracklist:
02. Mr. Simple
03. 오페라 (Opera)
04. 라라라라 (Be My Girl)
05. Walkin’
06. 폭풍 (Storm)
07. 어느새 우린 (Good Friends)
08. 결투 (Feels Good)
09. 기억을 따라 (Memories)
10. 해바라기 (Sunflower)
11. 엉뚱한 상상 (White Christmas)
12. Y
13. My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
File: Super Junior SUPERMAN.MP3 Only new TrackSize: 7.59 MB
Link: Mediafire Download
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HP TouchPad Singapore

HP TouchPad Singapore: HP TouchPad Sells for US$99: The company drastically cut the prices of the TouchPad tablet in the US and Canada. The 16GB model is now going for just US$99, while the 32GB is now priced at US$149. However, the tablets are already out of stock at HP's Web site, which also experienced a huge surge of traffic after the price cut that overwhelmed its servers. Not all US retailers have followed suit with the price change, but we expect the same sold-out scenario at those which did. 

In Singapore, where the tablet started selling just ten days ago, HP has indicated to us that it will honor product warranties and support the device, though we are still awaiting word from the company about possible price adjustments and refunds. You can also check HP's Twitter feed for more updates. By Cnet
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Love Keeps Going Episode 13 Final

Love Keeps Going Episode 13 Final: Watch Love Keeps Going Episode 13 Final : Watch Love keeps going episode 13 (ep 13) eng sub online, Zha Mei Le’s brilliant, humble and hardworking. She is well behaved, obedient, caring and kind. Her impressive collection of certificates is witnessed her tireless enthusiasm.
Love Keeps Going Episode 13 (Final) Synopsis
Shao Ying insists on telling Yi Feng what’s happened. Yi Feng eventually knows what’s wrong with Yi Lie, and why Yi Lie wants to break up with Mei Le in order not to let her suffers. Yi Lie asks Yi Feng to keep it as secret. Yan Shao’s mother asks Mei Le to stay, but she decides to leave. Yan Shao know knows that Yi Lie’s action is a joke but don’t know the real reason, decides to take advantage, and to go back with Mei Le as her boyfriend to console Mei Le’s mother. Mei Le confirms with him that it’s just an acting.

Yi Feng informs mother that Yi Lie needed to have a surgery by German doctor, which has high risk, and if failed, may turn into vegetative state.

Yan Shao sends Mei Le back home. Mei Le tells Yi Fei thats her new boyfriend is Yan Shao. When Yi Lie knows, he is sadden. He attempts to record a video to tell Mei Le the truth, but can’t do it.

At this time, Mei Le finds out that she is pregnant with Yi Lie’s kid. She decides that she will give birth to the baby no matter Yi Lie loves her or not. 
Six years later, Mei Le is helping a kid to wear cloth, who is said to be like her father, Yi Lie with his sense of music that can be future singer of composer. The whole family, Mei Le, Yu Zheng, Yi Fei, Xuan Xuan, Yi Feng, and their mothers dress in either black or white, prepares to go to Yi Lie’s concert. Before forgetting, Yu Cheng grabs the “J-King Black and White Music Dynastic Concert” (J-KING黑白音乐王朝演奏会) tickets and smiles.
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110822 Super Junior “Mr.Simple” Version B & Poster

110822 Super Junior “Mr.Simple” Version B & Poster: Super Junior Mr Simple Version B: Download 110818 Super Junior to release ‘Version B’ of “Mr. Simple”:  Album: Super Junior will be releasing a ‘Version B’ of their 5th full-length album, “Mr. Simple“!

Version B of Super Junior 5th album 'Mr. Simple' will be Released on 22nd! New Song 'SUPERMAN' is Included in the Album!

On August 18th, SM Entertainment revealed that Version B would contain the same 12 tracks included on the original album, but this time, the song “Superman” has been added, thus bringing the total amount of songs to 13.


Super Junior Mr Simple Version B

Super Junior Mr Simple Version B: Download 110818 Super Junior to release ‘Version B’ of “Mr. Simple” Album: Super Junior will be releasing a ‘Version B’ of their 5th full-length album, “Mr. Simple“!

On August 18th, SM Entertainment revealed that Version B would contain the same 12 tracks included on the original album, but this time, the song “Superman” has been added, thus bringing the total amount of songs to 13.

The album jackets for ‘Version B’ are already gaining a hot response among their fans and looks likely to be another hot seller, thanks to their ‘urban soldier’ concept.
Super Junior Mr Simple Version B Tracklist:
02. Mr. Simple
03. 오페라 (Opera)
04. 라라라라 (Be My Girl)
05. Walkin’
06. 폭풍 (Storm)
07. 어느새 우린 (Good Friends)
08. 결투 (Feels Good)
09. 기억을 따라 (Memories)
10. 해바라기 (Sunflower)
11. 엉뚱한 상상 (White Christmas)
12. Y
13. My Love, My Kiss, My Heart
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Valentina Matviyenko

Valentina Matviyenko: Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matviyenko: On Monday the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matviyenko told journalists about having written an application about early termination of responsibility.

Valentina Matviyenko has won local elections at two municipal districts with 93.7% and 94.5% of votes. The politician needed this victory for a transfer to the Federation Council which she is going to head.

Valentina Matviyenko said that an acting governor of St. Petersburg may be appointed within the next two days. (Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matviyenko to abdicate responsibility)
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