Monday, August 29, 2011

Yoshihiko Noda

Yoshihiko Noda: Yoshihiko Noda Wins Vote To Become Japan’s Next PM: Japan’s Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda is set to become prime minister after winning a party vote Monday, taking on responsibility for rebuilding after the quake, tsunami and nuclear disasters.

54-years old Yoshihiko Noda secured victory in a run-off against Trade Minister Banri Kaieda, after a first-round vote in which no candidate won a clear majority. He defeated Trade Minister Banri Kaieda in a run-off vote.

According to the Japan Today, Yoshihiko Noda will have to broaden his scope to deal with the continuing reconstruction from the March 11 quake and tsunami along the northeastern coast and the 100,000 people who remain dislocated because of radiation leaking from a tsunami-damaged nuclear plant.

Yoshihiko Noda was declared the winner after defeating his nearest rival, the trade minister, Banri Kaieda, by 215 votes to 177 in a runoff held after none of the original five candidates won more than 50% of votes in the first round. Yoshihiko Noda, 54, must cope with a resurgent yen that threatens exports, forge a new energy policy while ending the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl.
Tags: ?? ??, banri kaieda, japan prime minister, kaieda, noda, banri kaieda, noda, 野田 佳彦, japan prime minister, kaieda,Yoshihiko Noda (野田 佳彦, Noda Yoshihiko)
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