Sunday, July 3, 2011

Bangkok Post

Bangkok Post: The Bangkok Post: Bangkok Post first comes up with a figure of 17,000 and then, by the morning edition, revises this to “a crowd of about 30,000 in front of CentralWorld shopping mall”? What’s worse, they repeat exactly this claim on Saturday’s front page. 

As the election draws closer, PPT is noting that some of the mainstream media reporting is becoming rather odd. The best example we have seen in recent days relates to PPT’s estimate that the crowd at Democrat Party’s Rajaprasong was about 3,000 to 5,000 and that maybe another 1,000 drifted in after the first hour or so. So let’s say up to 6,000 attended.

That figure is also the roughly estimate provided by Pravit Rojanaphruk in The Nation (5,000) and by Saksith at Siam Voices (5,000). Simon Roughneen at The Irrawaddy says “perhaps 6,000 to 7,000.”
Tags: election thailand, post today, bangkok post breaking news, nation news, the nation, bangkok post, nation news, thailand news, post today, the nation  
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