Thursday, May 10, 2012

Read File in ext4 File System from Windows 7

Read File in ext4 File System from Windows 7: Many people are using dual boot of Windows 7 and Linux on one PC or laptop. Linux operating system uses file system ext2, ext3, and ext4. Windows 7 does not support the file system. In contrast, most existing linux distro is able to read the NTFS file system. So, we need to do something to make Windows 7 can read or access ext2, ext3, or ext4. We could install Ext2fsd. Ext2Fsd is an ext2 file system driver for Windows 2000, XP, Vista. It’s a free software and everyone can distribute and modify it under GPL2. Here are the steps to install Ext2Fsd on Windows 7.

1. We must download Ext2Fsd from

2. Before you install the file you’ve downloaded, you need to change compatibility. Right click and choose “Properties“. Set ‘compatibility mode’ to ‘Windows Vista Service Pack 2‘ and ‘Run as administrator’.

3. To make Ext2Fsd can read the ext4, we should patch it. Download the patch from

4. Extract patch file ext2fsd.sys to Windowssystem32drivers.

5. Restart Windows 7.

6. Stat Ext2 Volume Manager from Start Menu.
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