Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cammi Tse I slept with Edison Chen Once More

Cammi Tse I slept with Edison Chen Once More: 2 Apr – A few days after singer/actor Edison Chen claimed to be still single, Hong Kong model Cammi Tse was spotted leaving his apartment one morning, leaving people to believe that the pair have reconciled their scandalous relationship, according to the Daily Chilli website.

Intimate photos of the couple were exposed sometime last year, adding damage to the already infamous reputation Edison carries from the 2008's sex scandal he was involved in with a slew of other Hong Kong celebrities.

Cammi made headlines in the media for a good while following the exposure that Edison was dating an underage girl and had probably taken her virginity as well.

However, their affair only lasted about a month, or so thought by many, at least until this recent event took place.

Edison has yet to clear the air with the media on these new findings.
Tags: cammi tse, cammie tse, cammi tse edison chen, edison chen cammi tse, cammi tse scandal, edison chen, cammie tse gave edison her virginity, cammi tse, cammie tse, cammi tse edison chen, cammi tse scandal, edison chen
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