Sunday, December 25, 2011

Lucky man has sex with 3 Women, women beat eachother senseless over who get most Sex, man frightened he could be next calls cops

Lucky man has sex with 3 Women, women beat eachother senseless over who get most Sex, man frightened he could be next calls cops..

Two sisters taking part in an kinky foursome are in hospital with head injuries after police had to break up a vicious brawl over who was getting the most sex.
The girls and a female pal were romping with a man they'd picked up in Stip, Macedonia, when one sister flew into a rage because she felt left out, said police.

Both sisters are now facing assault charges after punching each other senseless, say prosecutors.

"There was a huge fight and all three girls were taken to hospital with head injuries after the man, who was very frightened he would be next, called us," said a police spokesman.
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