Tuesday, December 20, 2011

australian blogger (melissa444) on xiaxue's awards at nuffnang asia pacific blog awards

australian blogger (melissa444) on xiaxue's awards at nuffnang asia pacific blog awards: Xiaxue swept two awards (Region's Best Blog and Most Influential Blog) at the Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards 2011 held last week.

Australian blogger Melissa444 has issues and posted them on her blog (The Things I'd Tell You).

 Nuffnang, is this really the kind of blog you want to promote as the best Nuffnang blog? The best blog the Asia Pacific has to offer? Fair enough if you want some of the votes to be reader based, popularity votes. But calling that blog the 'best' blog in the Asia Pacific is mortifying to other blogs. To think that a person like this should be awarded for her blog is akin to giving Paris Hilton an Oscar for her acting skills. It's absurd. 

And demoralising to think that this is the kind of thing you're drawn to.....So clearly Nuffnang and other promoters, and tens of thousands of readers have no issue with following and supporting the blog of someone who uses consistently foul and racist language on her blog. After all - she's the 'best'.
Tags: Xiaxue, Kenny Sia, Eat Show and Tell, Beautifulnara, ladyironchef, Just Wandering, Cheeserland, Photoblog 攝影札記, Geekout, Childhood 101, Jenni Epperson and Googly Gooeys
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