Thursday, December 22, 2011

The $350,000 Singtel Bill

The $350,000 Singtel Bill: 16 men to visit Taiwan after returning home, received phone bills, found that mobile data roaming charges of up to $ 350,000.

The man is Mr. Wu, his last month, from 2 to 17, a trip to Taiwan.

A few days ago, Mr. Wu received a new mobile telecommunications company sent bills, cell phone in Taiwan, the accumulated data roaming (data roaming) costs 349,243 yuan is actually 20 cents 5.

See this huge number of nearly 350,000, the Wu could not believe my eyes, because he could not have the ability to have the money.

It is understood that Mr. Wu was trying to contact the new telecom several times, but still no response, so in the "face book" on the photos to share terror bill.

SingTel: on-line networks do not pay 330,000 yuan. The full report, please refer to 21.12.2011 "Shin Min Daily News."

Related Post: 男子到台湾旅游16日,回国后收到手机账单,发现手机资料漫游费高达35万元。Instead of manually connecting to SingTel's Bridge DataRoam partner, Taiwan Mobile, his phone kept changing networks. Singtel said that Mr Goh did not have to pay $336,000 which was covered under the Bridge DataRoam plan. 

Settlement for the remaining bill is still in discussion.CASE said that a regulation, to be introduced in 2012, will be imposed by the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) which limits data roaming charges up to $100 in a single monthly bill.
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