Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yingluck Shinawatra

Yingluck Shinawatra: Thai PM Yingluck Shinawatra, The Pheau Thai party nominated Yingluck Shinawatra as their choice for Prime Ministerial candidate: Top list candidate of the Pheu Thai Party Yingluck Shinawatra voted at the No.32 poll station inside Wat Klong Lamchiag school in Bangkok's Nawamin sub-district about 810am, television stations reported.

Yingluck Shinawatra has never held office, the 44-year old executive has emerged as this election's brightest political star. She either carries the sheen of the Shinawatra name or the taint of Thaksin, depending upon a Thai's political point of view.

Many aren't sure what to think; Polls show between 20% and 40% of voters remain undecided. The split reflects lingering anger about the violent protests that rocked Bangkok last year. To sway voters, Yingluck has cast herself as a pacifist: "As I am a female I do not encourage violence. I will unite Thailand,'' she told Time.
Tags: abhisit vejjajiva, thaksin shinawatra, shinawatra, yingluck, yingluck shinawatra wikipedia
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