Sunday, June 26, 2011

RIP Nicki Minaj Death Rumor

RIP Nicki Minaj Death Rumor: “RIP Nicki Minaj” Death Rumor Hit The Web: Nicki Minaj is the latest victim of a sick death hoax. Every weekend, people seem to become more than a little bit bored. Then we see a bunch of rumors suggesting that a celebrity of some sort has died.

A large numer of of fans of legend singer are clicking in the Google to confirm the news of death.

Is this a rumor?
Has the death news of Nicki Minaj been confirmed?
R.I.PNicki Minaj  died?
Nicki Minaj death news?

These are the some rumors that a huge flood of her fans are clicking to know the answer. In fact as I mentioned above that every weekend, people seem to become more than a little bit bored. Then we see a bunch of rumors suggesting that a celebrity of some sort has died. Therefore, there is no need to worry and this is just a rumor. And remember that Nicki Minaj is ready to rock BET Awards.
Related Searches: did nicki minaj die, Nicki Minaj, nicki minaj dead, nicki minaj dead cnn, nicki minaj died
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