Monday, June 27, 2011

Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann: Michele Bachmann opened her candidacy in Iowa, Michele Bachmann 2012 Presidential Campaign Launches: Michele Marie Bachmann is a member of the United States House of Representatives. Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota formally opened her candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination here on Monday, presenting herself as a forceful conservative who will confront the party’s establishment and not compromise on principles to capture grassroots enthusiasm that has risen up in opposition to President Obama.

“I seek the presidency not for vanity, but because America is at a crucial moment,” Ms. Bachmann said. “I believe that we must make a bold choice if we are to secure the promise of our future.”
Ms. Bachmann made the announcement in her childhood home of Waterloo, where she hopes that her Iowa roots will provide an advantage over her rivals in the state that opens the Republican nominating contest early next year. She introduced herself as a candidate with broad appeal, acknowledging the spirit of Tea Party activists, but pointing out that she hails from a long line of Democrats.

“Our problems don’t have an identity of party, they are problems created by both parties,” Ms. Bachmann said. “Americans agree that our country is in peril today and we must act with urgency to save it. Americans aren’t interested in affiliation. They are interested in solutions and leadership that will tell the truth.”
Tags: michele bachmann, michelle bachmann, michelle bachman, 2012 Election ,  Michele Bachmann ,  Elections 2012 ,   Michele Bachmann 2012 ,   Video , Bachmann 2012 , Bachmann Announcement , Bachmann For President , Bachmann Tea Party , Michele Bachmann Announcement , Michele Bachmann For President , Michele Bachmann Tea Party.
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