Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen: Finally, the brain trust at Two and a Half Men has pinpointed a creative way to explain Charlie Sheen's character's absence from the show. He died! Duh.
Brooke to Warner Bros: I Want a Piece of Charlie! By TMZ
Brooke Mueller apparently isn't confident enough that ex-hubby Charlie Sheen will make good on child support, so she got a judge to order Warner Bros. to send $55,000 of Charlie's money her way every month.Brooke's law firm, Trope and Trope, served legal papers on Warner Bros. last Friday, demanding the studio withhold $55,000 a month from all monies due Charlie to satisfy his child support obligations. The lawyers are demanding that the studio send the $55 grand a month directly to Brooke.

In the season premiere in September, it will be revealed that Charlie died somehow. Apparently the working method is “drove off a cliff.” So now you’ve got him safely at the bottom of a cliff, trapped in a mangled wreck. Then the problem becomes Ashton Kutcher’s entrance. 

Will he buy the Harper house? Will anyone watching the show care how Ashton Kutcher got there? If you’re already someone who watches that show on a regular basis, the battle for your mindpower is lost (or won, depending on how you look at it.)
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